Tight Lines! David Humphries here – the creator of Guide Recommended. If I had to describe why I created Guide Recommended in a single word I would say “OBSESSED”
- Obsessed to fly fish
- Obsessed to share
- Obsessed to learn
- Obsessed to improve
For six months I poured my heart and soul into an online fly fishing course. Heck I’ve even got a Free Dry Fly Workshop that I’ll send to your email box. Check it out with this link – HOW2FLYFISH.com
We’ve all struggled with something while fly fishing. The struggle could be as simple as, “Am I using the right fly?” Or as complex as “should this spey rod have a 480 grain Skagit line or a short head Scandi?”
So when I looked back at when most of my fly fishing struggles were solved and I find a Guide giving me advice. The first thought that comes to mind is fly fishing guide Kevin Morlock with Indigo Guide Service telling me that my 5 weight rod won’t last the day fishing for Coho Salmon.

Or Captain Russ Shirley of Salty Fly Charters demonstrating saltwater casting and putting me on the 30 day casting diet that included videos from legendary casting instructor Mel Krieger. These videos and practice have improved my casting immensely.
So Guide Recommended will share the 100’s of years of experience from Fly Fishing Guides the PROs who making a living by putting fish in the net.
- Check out the Kickstarter product I tried years ago – https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1390992053/the-reel-winder-fly-fishing-tool-to-clean-and-chan?ref=discovery&term=line%20winder
- I’ve got a tiny YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/GuideRecommended/videos
- I’d love to invite you to my FREE Dry Fly fishing workshop. It gets delivered straight to your email. Link -> HOW 2 FLY FISH
If you have anything you’d like to learn about please don’t hesitate to send me a note.
Faith, Family and Fish